I've been doing some video editing - a great activity for the winter weather! Quite a few teaching videos up there so have a lookI've just arrived home after a wonderful voyage across the Atlantic in this magnificent ship. I was teaching art classes every day, they were busy with many guests, most coming to all the classes and some just starting in the last day or two. I plan the classes as a progressive course covering many basic techniques and lots of tips and ideas, after my introductory talk and demo I then run over anything the newcomers might have missed. Then I walk around the class and help each guest with their individual work, helping them to solve technical problems and tap into their own creativity and preferences. It's exhausting but incredibly rewarding as people who are sometimes complete beginners find that they can produce some paintings they can be proud of, and also I love to see more experienced artists trying a new approach. We had both on the QM2, and also many levels in between - it's wonderful to see the range of interpretations and styles. I always suggest a theme and will take people through a particular project but also emphasise that they are free to paint whatever they like - I provide many different photographs as inspiration (all my own photos, either of landscapes I've experienced or paintings I have done). The feedback on this last voyage was so enthusiastic that it gave me a great boost and I realise that I can really help people grow in skill and confidence - it makes all that hard work worthwhile! Here are some of the comments:
'A really brilliant week. Thanks for a refreshing approach to art. Learnt so much & enjoyable too." 'I loved the classes, I learnt so much & hope I have the opportunity to learn from you again.' 'Fantastic opportunity to learn watercolor while on this transatlantic journey! Excellent presentations. Key concepts to learn. With just a few lessons a foundation for future experimenting with the watercolor medium' 'What a joy! So much fun while learning!' 'Thank you Helen – I have learned so much and love your book too!!' 'Absolutely brill – you’ve saved me years of study.' 'Fantastic class, such positive energy, thank you!' Have you seen my YouTube channel? There are lots of short videos there, mostly art related but a few others like skiing have popped in, have a look!In just over a week's time I'll be heading to New York to teach on a transatlantic cruise on the Queen Mary 2 - I'm looking forward to some time on this beautiful ship https://www.cunard.com/en-gb/find-a-cruise/M438/M438
And new for next year I'm teaching in Portugal on a painting holiday in Olhão - full details on Holidays and cruises - hope to see you there! I was lucky enough to secure a place at the Skopelos Foundation for the Arts for a 3-week residency in September. It was the most wonderful experience, sharing ideas with other artists in different media and from all over the world, and being inspired by the amazing colours on that beautiful island. The atmosphere was relaxed and supportive and I felt free to be myself and follow my own agenda. I explored the island and soon discovered my favourite place, Amarandos - the walk there was stunning, through scented pine trees with glimpses of turquoise water between the trees. I divided my time between sketching on location and working in the studio - which in itself was an inspiring location with views over the bay. I did a lot of work but also had time for lots of swimming and good meals. I hope to create more work over the winter with my sketches and photos as inspiration.I was lucky enough to be teaching on an Ambassador cruise to Alta (Norway) in November/December - it was described by a friend as a 'trip of a lifetime' - and that's probably only the art classes! We called in at some beautiful ports including Alesund, Trondheim, Narvik and Bergen and had the most wonderful weather for most of the trip. The highlight was the most stunning show of the Northern lights seen from the back of the ship.the classes were very popular, and we had a go at painting the Northern lights - a great subject for watercolour!Another wonderful visit to the beautiful Isle of Purbeck in early October. There were 9 enthusiastic artists who all enjoyed the variety of subjects and (mostly) great weather. On the one grey day we got the bus to Corfe Castle and did some dramatic sketches of the castle along with some characterful cottages. We also had a close-up view of the steam train where someone was enjoying his train driving experience day. We went to Peveril Point and Durlston Castle in Swanage, Studland south beach and Old Harry Rocks and Houns Tout and also had some time in the studio to complete work and make some small books. A great week!
I was lucky enough to be on the Saga Spirit of Discovery in mid-June this year when she sailed to the Norwegian fjords. The weather was amazing and the views absolutely stunning - everywhere you looked was like a picture postcard. On the sea days we had lots of enthusiastic guests in the painting classes, and on port days I went exploring with my sketchbook.